Thursday, April 30, 2009

GONE!...Buenos Aires Grill

On page 45 of my Moon Denver guidebook I listed Buenos Aires Grill as an Italian restaurant to try in the LoDo neighborhood. Sadly they have gone out of business and the wonderful space has not been leased yet. The overall neighborhood is not great, but it is a special patio and historic building that should be put to some good use.

MCA|Denver website change

In my Moon Denver guidebook I listed the web site for the Museum of Contemporary Art|Denver (page 23) as and that does still work but it redirects you to

MCA & The Lab merge--new lectures

The Museum of Contemporary Art|Denver (featured on page 23 of my Moon Denver guidebook) has merged with the Lab, an independent arts workshop space from the suburb of Lakewood. On June 5 they will begin their first collaboration at the Museum: Mixed Taste: Tag Team Lectures on Unrelated Topics. One speaker discusses a topic for 30 minutes, the next speaker does his bit on a completely different topic and then it's opened up to a slightly confusing but definitely interesting Q & A. June 5 will feature Mayor John Hickenlooper & Kirk Johnson of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, with the topics "Show Tunes & Aquatic Plants." OK, I admit it, now I want to go. For more details, go to

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cute new shoe store!

I'm so excited to be writing with good news here! Out for a walk today and quick stop at Wen Chocolates (page 143 in Moon Denver guidebook) and I was stopped in my tracks at the sight of some very cute sandals in a shop window. The shop is Sous le Lit,, on Platte Street and they had colorful sandals, heels, scarves, jewelry, cards...I came home and checked their website and they have private parties available. Genius--shoe shopping with a little wine, some friends.

GONE!...Savini Shoes

On page 142 in the "Shops" chapter of Moon Denver guidebook, I included Savini shoes of Cherry Creek. It appears they have gone out of business. I heard they moved to the Highlands neighborhood but their site is gone and phone disconnected, no sign of them in the area. Too bad...I wish I knew what happened to them?

GONE!...Santa Fe Tequila Company

On page 41 of my guidebook, Moon Denver, I wrote about the Santa Fe Tequila Company as a restaurant to try. Well, they are already gone. I don't know if they even lasted two years! I think in May I'll be adding a whole lot of new places to check out and add to the next edition of Moon Denver.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

GONE!....Coppelia's Needlepoint

I was over in Cherry Creek today taking my daughter to a dance class and lo and behold, another "for lease" sign where Coppelia's Needlepoint used to be. I wrote about Coppelia's on page 124 of Moon Denver. No word on whether their wonderful "Knit for the Homeless" will carry on elsewhere as the website has no updates and the phone number is disconnected. Time to go looking for new yarn shops which I've been hearing about.

ooh la la, Teatro!

Last night I was lucky enough to attend the Colorado Tourism Office's annual event at the Hotel Teatro. I included the Hotel Teatro as Denver's best luxury hotel on page 148 of Moon Denver and on page 154 in the "Hotels" chapter listings. They had two beautiful suites opened up for the event last night and if you can afford it, the view from the 8th floor is spectacular to the west. I loved the images of theater productions form year's past at the DCPA next door, especially the epic Tantalus show. Chef and restauranteur Kevin Taylor (his namesake restaurant is included on page 44 of Moon Denver) was there promoting yet another new venue he is opening in Denver this year. I'll be posting those details as soon as I can visit his latest restaurant.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I not only included Grow on page 125 of Moon Denver, but also highlighted them as one of the best in Moon Denver's "Shops" chapter on page 123. Sadly I just received confirmation that they have closed their shop on S. Pearl St. and their web site,, is still doing business but it's not clear for how much longer. I do hope they will find a way to start over.

Spring and snow in Denver

We woke up to snow on this late April morning! The moisture is so needed but it was tough to get back out the snowboots and sweaters. Sunday I needed sunscreen and one layer at the a hood and a sense of humor. As I write it's turning to light rain and the plants are bouncing back up.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


So this morning while the owner of Marczyk Fine Foods was helping me load my groceries into my car, I noticed that the French restaurant Aix is gone (it was directly across the street from Marczyk). I included Aix on page 37 of Moon Denver and Marczyk on page 38 of Moon Denver (and unfortunately Marczyk got left out of the index in the back of the book, but it's there on page 38). Marczyk's owner said that the owners of Duo--a fabulous restaurant in my own Highlands neighborhood, which is described on page 54 of Moon Denver--will be opening Olivera soon. I'll be sure to update this book and the next edition of Moon Denver with that listing after I try it out.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Oops! How did I neglect to include Dragonfly of Highlands Square in Moon Denver? I love this little boutique with their sexy tops, jeans and dresses. I was just up there browsing and realized that they are now combined with Strut, a fabulous shoe store that I did list in Moon Denver on page 142. Strut moved from their original Tennyson Street location last summer and the blend with Dragonfly is fashion perfection. Find details at

Locally-made in

In addition to my work on Moon Denver, I'm also writing a few articles a week for, with a focus on locally-made everything--furniture, clothing, chocolates and more surprising stuff. Check out the articles, share them with friends. You'd be amazed what cool stuff is made right here in the Mile High City and environs. Some of these businesses were featured in Moon Denver, but not all.

Magnolia deals

On page 152 of Moon Denver I included the Magnolia Hotel in downtown Denver. Since that writing I've had a chance to visit the upgraded rooms and suites at the Magnolia. Some of the rooms are like small apartments with kitchens, fireplaces and full bathrooms--very luxurious. The bed was so comfortable I searched for purchase information before leaving! My favorite aspect of their remodel is the subterranean faux river, which provides the best seat in the house during the free breakfast buffet (only the sound of water running over rocks that blocks out the TV noise). This weekend only they are offering discounted rates, 4/24-4/26!

Friday, April 24, 2009

GONE!...Belly Maternity

I keep hoping that when I notice a vacant storefront that the business has just relocated, but it appears Belly Maternity of Cherry Creek North has gone belly up. I included Belly on page 125 of Moon Denver and was a previous customer of this store. Not so frequent since my pregnancy was over a few years ago, but still I did refer friends there. Although their site remains up, it does not seem to be taking orders and phone numbers are disconnected. Time to start researching the latest shops that will fill the void!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bargains, bargains everywhere!

Two brilliant freelance writers are the local guides for, to help residents and tourists alike find affordable ways to enjoy the Mile High City. They just launched a few months ago, well past deadlines for Moon Denver. Otherwise, I would have certainly included this valuable resource for readers of my Moon Denver guidebook.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

GONE!...Ski Train Shocker!!

I was totally stunned to read in the Denver Post today,, that the Ski Train to Winter Park has been sold and likely already left town for Canada! I wrote about Winter Park and the Ski Train in Moon Denver on pp. 188-190. What a strange time to loose the only non-car or bus mode of transportation to a ski resort. I really loved that ride up and was looking forward to doing it again and again.

GONE! Spice Boys of the Rockies

Was it the off the beaten path location or the awkward name that did not work for this business? I included Spice Boys of the Rockies on page 143 of Moon Denver in the Shops chapter. It truly was a special find of a place with great customer service, yummy ice cream and chocolate and I was sad to drive by the other day and notice a new business in the space (which I want to check out soon!). Their site,, is still up but there are no updates so I cannot find out if they just relocated. I do like the location just a couple of blocks from the Denver Art Museum but it seems light on foot traffic.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cool Denver blog,

Denver artists Hugh Graham and Jill Hadley-Hooper have been blogging away for months and I wish I had known about them when I was writing Moon Denver. A gem to include in the next edition! Their blog is and it's all about celebrating Denver's sesquicentennial in 2009! So many cool Denver artists, writers, hipsters contributing to this blog, it's hard to know where to begin. Cartoonist Kenny Be of Westword, Patricia Calhoun of Westword, artist Bill Amundson and more, more, more!! Tons of history with photos and insightful stories.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Broadmoor Spring Sale!

On page 184 of Moon Denver I included the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. I just got notice that the Broadmoor is offering a 50% sale on their new cottages for only 72 hours, April 24-April 26. Go to or call 800-634-7711 to make a reservation!

GONE! Rocky Mountain News

Sadly the rumors I referred to on page 217 of Moon Denver were true: The Rocky Mountain News folded just shy of its 150th birthday! It's strange not to have that choice anymore but ambitious reporters and others have started up as a replacement. They need subscribers to keep it going! A handful of Rocky columnists are now on deck at the Denver Post, which is a shadow of its former self in these hard times.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

GONE! One Home

On page 139 of Moon Denver I profiled One Home of Cherry Creek, a hip modern furniture and design store. Sadly the store closed up this spring but Heather Mourer's design services are still available through the old website, So far the cool retail space on 3rd Ave. is still up for grabs!

GONE!...but not forgotten

One of the main purposes of this blog is to keep the printed Moon Denver guidebook as up-to-date and fresh as possible. I'll be doing this in two ways: recording businesses that have closed and noting new businesses that opened after Moon Denver was completed. Unfortunately our sour economy has taken its toll on several businesses that I included and I've been completely shocked a few times to round the corner in a bustling neighborhood and see empty shop windows or read about another business folding. But change is GOOD and I'll certainly note the replacements and such.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Click to order

I've just added an image of the Moon Denver cover on this blog that will link to the Tattered Cover Bookstore,, for quick ordering. Also go to to order, leave a critique and more!

Friday, April 10, 2009


It's been a busy week with the arrival of Moon Denver--right here, in Denver!! The book should be available at the Tattered Cover and other major bookstores that carry the Moon Handbooks line. The book looks wonderful with the big blue bear cover. My thanks again to all who shared their local wisdom under intense deadlines.